My name is Gene, born in Iowa on a farm on the Missouri boarder, half way between Nebraska & Illinois. Naturally it was a corn farm. My fathers father was also a farmer, my mothers father was a school teacher. In those days the mothers work was taking good care of the children and very few worked outside the home. My grandparents and parents were quite successful. When the crash came I was five years old (oops, now my age is out) my father lost everything but the farm. He moved us to the nearest city (Pop. 5000). Pop got a job at hard labor for the railroad. Pop lived to be 76yo & never again put money in a bank. If he bought a new car and at least once that I know of a new house, he paid cash. Three years after leaving the farm he returned and opened a coal mine which became quite successful. Without a doubt my parents were among the finest, devoted to their children, four boys and one girl, I was the youngest. I was permitted to go anywhere I wanted as long as I didn't neglect my school and other duties. At age 12 I went hitch hiking to Chicago, 350 miles away to visit my 17yo brother. Today, what caring parent could permit that? I was a regular boy and was only spanked twice, but they were severe. I think the trip stirred a wanderlust in me. Since then, I have visited all 50 states of the good old US of A, many countries on five continents as well as many islands including Japan and my favorite, the Philippines. I started my foreign travels with four months in England in '44, followed by one and a half years in Europe starting with D-Day at Omaha beach.


[ EmaiL ]

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NOTE: Most of the pictures on this site were taken from old, faded and washed out 8mm movie film. I have done my best to restore the color to them but they are far from perfect.

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